Wednesday, October 28, 2009

16 Inches Later...

So for the past... few months I have been wanting to change my hair, so in June I used these cool perm rods I got in Chicago to perm it, that was fun while it lasted, and helped my long hair hold curl. Then I got sick of it again, seeing as it was long, or would take forever to dry, breaking all my hair elastics trying to pull it up, knots in the back, yada yada... You all know the hair sob story, So I called my best friend Brooke to chop it off! (I don't think that anyone would have enjoyed it more than her!)
So here it is before, (it looks really gross in this picture.. oh well..)

So we put it in the pony tail, and cut a little over 15 inches off! Then I just let her do whatever she wanted to fix it up! The next day I went into my work to see my old friends, and mailed it off to Locks of Love and then here it is!

So I hate taking pictures of myself, Andrew wasn’t home, but I wanted to just get the blog over with since a few of you keep telling me to post pictures. Don’t judge me!


Jessie Larson said...

AH! Sophie I LOVE IT! Your hair looks so cute short!

Megan said...

Love it!! You are such a hot mama!

Nicole said...

oh my gosh, I LOVE it!!!!! I'm doing the same thing :) growing it out some more to keep it long through the winter, then i'm going to chop and donate it :) your pictures helped to excite me even more :)

Andrew, Kenzie and Kaliya Smith said...

soooo cute!!!! i love it! don't you really feel like a mom now!!! I know I do with shorter hair haha

Marie said...

I love it! I wanted to tell you on Sunday, but didn't get around to it. I did the same thing last November, but I didn't take very good before/after pictures so way to go!

Andre and Lexi said...

So cute Soph! LOVE IT! You are so brave to chop it ALL like that!

Matt and Brooke said...

yay!! wahoo.. i did that cut! you look soo cute!! loove it

Anonymous said...

Soph! I love it!! You are so dang HOT...I hate you! (not really i love your guts) You look amazing after having a baby! love you!

Carly said...

So cute! I love love love your new hair!

Haley and Mitch said...

I judge you... because I can! Ha!

Mary Ann (Crockett) Ahlstrom said...

It totally suits you! I am a huge proponet of hair donation....good for you!

Shantay And David said...

Sophie!! I love it.. I wish my hair looked that cute when I chopped it all off. You look awesome with short hair!!