Thursday, November 5, 2009

HaLLoWeEn PaRtY At GrAnDmAs

Before you could enter, or say Trick or Treat,
you'll be scared by a monster
who hid quietly in his seat!

Once the door opened, your frightened again,
by the girl who had candy
in the big black calderon.
Then the Mummy would come save the day,
to comfort crying kids
and send them on there way!

Then into the house to see who was there,
A lion, and 2 skeletons,Along with Mr. and Mrs. Popular!
Watch out for the Vampires, who might suck your blood,
and stay far from the bum
who has been living in mud.
The make up was on the cat and the ghost,though it wasn't his favorite,for his work party he'd be liked the most!

Make sure you make a mummy pizza or two,dip carmel apples,and stay for the game of Clue!

Be careful on the slide, Lizzie's friends might say,
or you'll hurt your ankle
and won't be able to stay and play.
The game of Clue is what we will do next,
Max, in the Bathroom with the Plunger
is what Laura will then detect!

The night is about over, the Pumpkin is asleepThe party was fun,
Lots of memories we will keep!



Haley and Mitch said...

WAY CUTE SOPHIE!!! I posted my halloween post before I saw yours and I should have just referred people to your blog! Awesome poem!

Marie said...

That's an intense post! Looks like you guys go all out for Halloween, so fun!

laura j. said...

What a fun party! Thanks for the fun game Sophie. You are the best!

Matt and Brooke said...

how cute soph!! loove the poem!.. and the sleeping pumpkin was soo cute!..what a fun party..although you said the mummy comforted people and the mummy didn't look very friendly haha