Thursday, January 7, 2010

Christmas with the Webers!

Just a few days before Christmas Adam came home from his mission in Poland! It has been way fun to see him and a great way to kick off all the holidays!
Then Matt and his wife Breanne drove down and arrived on Christmas Eve. It was fun to see them and their kids! oh and for the first time we got to meet our new niece Colette. Her and Kennedy are great friends!:)
Due to missions and Iraq, this is the first year that all the Weber boys have been together for Christmas in 9 years!!

So on Christmas Eve, Andrew's Mom had all the grandkids do the nativity seen, It was cute. Then we sang (more like jingled bells, and snapped belts, and so forth..)

Pop Pop Pop!

So it was a good thing that we did Christmas at his parents, otherwise it would have been a very anticlimactic. We didn't decorate for Christmas, Andrew got me a sewing machine in November:) and I gave him the 12 days of Christmas.. So we didn't have anything to open for each other.. or Kennedy. Its a good thing her Grandmas got Kennedy some great presents!
Then we did the nut in the pudding, (a way fun tradition I must say..)
After we finished passing them, everyone ate their pudding, but no one seemed to have the nut... As everyone started to get worried the nut was never in the pudding, Megan got a grin on her face! She had it the whole time! She hid it in her mouth and just loved watching everyone get all worried.
Christmas was great!

The Sunday after was Adam's homecoming talk and Colette's baby blessing. They used Kennedy's blessing dress and she looked very cute :) I was glad all that work could be used for more than one day!

I am so grateful we had a great holiday and a chance to celebrate our savior's birth and life!


Haley and Mitch said...

Oh my goodness your family picture is ADORABLE!! Cute little Ken Ken!

Adams family :) said...

hahah I love the old pictures of Adam in this post!!!