Wednesday, January 6, 2010

FREE Anniversary!

We had a wonderful anniversary! We weren't planning on doing anything but last minute we decided to go out to dinner and a movie. We had 2 free movie tickets at the Wynnsong by the Riverwoods so we decided to go to Macaroni Grill. Well at the end of our dinner our waitress just said, "Your bill has been taken care of, Have a good night!" What!! We were in shock! I asked her how or why or who and she said "I can't reveal my secrets!" It made our night!! We couldn't stop thinking or talking about it for weeks!!
Well, Thank you to whoever covered our check! We couldn't believe it, and still can't! We are blessed!
So then we went on to our free movie! What a night!
I love you babe!
Oh and I have fun coloring on the table!:)

1 comment:

Marie said...

So fun! That's really cool about a free dinner.