Sunday, May 2, 2010


So early yesterday morning Andrews parents left on their way to Connecticut. His dad is going to be the Institute Director up there for the next 5-7 years!We are way excited for them but are going to miss them like CrAzY!!
(This is at Elle's birthday party/good bye party)I tried to find a picture of them with Kennedy, but I could not find one! How sad!! and she was sitting right next to them here...I can't believe it! After all Kennedy EVELYN came from his mom..
Oh well.. Looks like we will have to just fly out and get one :)


Haley and Mitch said...

Look at that little Pirate! She looks so cute. Good Luck Webers!

Jonathan and Linsi said...

Oh wow your little girl has GORGEOUS eyes! That's sad they're going to be so far away! But you have a free place to stay now!