13.1 Miles
Ran 12 hundred
calories consumed
11 Minute
miles 10 toes nails almost came off 9 rhymes with time...
8 sore
muscles 7 Bathroom stops (literally..)
6.55 Half Way
5 Hours of sleep 4 Knees that ached all day 3 AM
in the morning 2 Hours
running 1 Good Time!
This is my coworker Jessica we ran into at the top of the race, way fun to see her!
We did it!!
And I can HONESTLY say it was FUN!!
Running and
Fun' usually don't exist together in my vocab, but it was, we took it slow (cause we didn't train
super good :)
and just talked, laughed and just enjoyed being together!

I love ANDREW!! My
jog is his speed

I felt bad... but I was secretly
happy he was by my side the whole time. :)
Sophie thats awesome! Glad you had fun and what an accomplishment!
Yay for you guys! Dan and I are hoping to run a 5K together this summer, but that's not much compared to a 1/2 marathon.
way to go!!!! That's so awesome! really cool goal....
I am glad you had so much fun. And good job Andrew for sticking by your side!
ahh good job! i think i would die. hah. and i love the finish line photo. also, so cute your husband stayed with you.
i thought of you on our birthday, so happppy (late) brithday!
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