Monday, July 26, 2010

New Calling...

My latest calling in my ward has been 4th Sunday Relief Society Teacher. I have learned to really LOVE it! So, as I was thinking/preparing my lesson this last week, on Saturday night I said to Andrew on our drive home. "I love how I don't get super stressed all Saturday night and all morning anymore, re running the lesson over and over in my head all during Sacrament and Sunday School, I finally feel comfortable knowing how to plan and how my sisters react to my lessons."
Sunday when Andrew came home from his meetings to pick Kennedy and I up for church he says, Bishop wants to see you 15 min before church. "Weird, Why?" I said, He just shrugged his shoulders.
Here I am thinking he wants to come in and talk to the sisters and take up some of his time with my lesson, which is A OK with me.
So we walk into his office, and he says "So right now your teaching 4th Sunday RS, How is that going for you?" I say "Great!" Well he says"We need some help in the Primary!"- (if you know me that is my cup of tea!) My eyes lit up! I get all excited!! Heck yes I am thinking.... then he goes on.. "Along with your current call, We want to extend the call of
Primary PIANIST!"
I at first thought it was a joke. I don't play the piano...(if you know me you probably know that) I can maybe play right hand when there is no sharps or flats.. maybe. The harp comes way easier to me than the paino...
So ha, I have lots and lots of learning to do!! First I need a book.. then figure out where and how I can learn to play the piano..
Its a good thing Andrew has a key to the church, I have a feeling we will be there A LOT!
Its also good thing there is only about 5 kids in our primary, so hopefully they wont care if I am a super beginner at the piano :)
I have always wanted to be in primary.. so I guess I will take what I can get!P.S That picture scares me... gulp!


Casey said...

Don't let Lukas see this...he'll be super jealous. That is the calling he's wanted his entire life.

Megan said...

Wow! Congrats, and YIKES!! I would die, but that's because I don't play the piano, or anything else for that matter, but you will find a way and be awesome like you are at everything else. :) Have fun learning!!

Mary Ann (Crockett) Ahlstrom said...

This is such a great thing! You will do fab.

The Perks of Life! said...

Sophie! That is crazy. If all else fails you could just start singing the song with the kids... If there's one thing I know about you it's that your voice is beautiful. I loooved sitting next to you in choir sophomore year and listening to you sing! Good times.