This last week I have never been so extremely grateful for my wonderful, perfect little girl Kennedy. My Savior Jesus Christ, The Gospel and plan of salvation. And my Family.
I have been up in Centerville helping my Mom do the funeral announcements and program for Bennett Scott Wilkinson. He was just 3 months older than Kennedy, and he passed away in his sleep.
I had the chance to go through all the pictures that they had of him with his Mom. My heart aches for her. She is amazing. I can't imagine the thought of losing Kennedy. I can not imagine the pain they are feeling. As I worked on the video I felt like I got to know him in a way. From the stories she told me and the cute personality that showed in the photos, I can't stop from holding back the tears. It has made me cherish the little time on earth I have had with Kennedy so much more. I just want to hold her in my arms as long as I can!
As I listened to them talk today in the funeral I was overcome. They are amazing. It made me realize that I take everything Kennedy does for granted. From her jibber jabber and cute giggle to getting her out of the crib in the morning and helping me with dishes and sweeping. I am so grateful for her. Her cute fun personality and spirit is addicting and is changing my life for the better daily. I couldn't ask for a more perfect angel in my life.
Yesterday I went to my cute sister-in-law Laura's, grandfather's funeral. As I listened and saw his family rejoice in his life, and see his posterity I couldn't help but feel blessed with my own family. It's amazing how one person can effect so many lives. I am so grateful that I get to be with them forever.
There are already 3 brothers that I can't wait to see on the other side. I couldn't ask for better uncles to watch over and prepare my little Boy before he meets us. :)
I am so grateful for the knowledge that families can be together forever.
I thought that maybe writing this down would help me stop from crying.. alas.. it has made it worse. :) I will just have to blame it on the pregnancy now :)
I had the chance to go through all the pictures that they had of him with his Mom. My heart aches for her. She is amazing. I can't imagine the thought of losing Kennedy. I can not imagine the pain they are feeling. As I worked on the video I felt like I got to know him in a way. From the stories she told me and the cute personality that showed in the photos, I can't stop from holding back the tears. It has made me cherish the little time on earth I have had with Kennedy so much more. I just want to hold her in my arms as long as I can!

There are already 3 brothers that I can't wait to see on the other side. I couldn't ask for better uncles to watch over and prepare my little Boy before he meets us. :)
I am so grateful for the knowledge that families can be together forever.
I thought that maybe writing this down would help me stop from crying.. alas.. it has made it worse. :) I will just have to blame it on the pregnancy now :)
Oh Sophie! You are so sweet. This was such a tender post. Kennedy is lucky to have a sweet mother like you! You are awesome. Miss you!
Talk about crying... go talk to they guy at Wendy's! Very sweet, Sophie. You are a great mom! Even Ben wishes you were his mom!!
You're the best, Sophie! I was so mad at Nathan this morning as he went off to school cause he didn't do spelling homework (that I asked him about last night!!). Lame, I know. Thanks for snapping me out of it and making realize how stupid it is to be mad about the little stuff. And now I am crying too, thanks- and no pregnancy to blame it on.
Wake up call for sure! I know i take things for granted... thanks for a reminder!!!
way to make me cry! you are such a sweet mom. im with you... so grateful families are forever.
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