This last May we changed wards, we went from the BYU 98th Student Married Ward to the Suncrest 7th Family Ward. It has been a good experience for us, we have felt really welcomed, needed, and loved. The 2nd week in the ward, we got 3 callings. I got called to be a Visiting Teaching coordinator, Andrew got called to be a the 11 year Scout leader.... and last of all we both got called to be Ma's and Pa's on the stake upcoming Trek!

I was really excited to go! I had a wonderful experience when I went, and Andrew had never had a chance to go! So they were excited we moved in! They put us to work fast!

This is our family! Since we have only been in the ward we didn't know any of the youth, so this was a great chance to get to know the ward a bit. Unlike the Trek I went to, our 'Family' was all kids from our ward. Can I say that we were EXTREMELY impressed with them, in so many ways!
Here are the boys,

and the girls...

So we left Thursday morning, and loaded up on buses, and once we got to Hardware Ranch we loaded up our wagons and started to Trek... we went about 4 Miles that day, set up camp, and spent the night dancing.

Day 2 was H.A.R.D we left camp and went out to the bottom of a canyon... yup, we went up it! It was a hard hike, so you can just imagine how much harder it would be with a hand cart. It was narrow and extremely rocky because of all the run off this year. We were lucky enough to be the first cart in the line up because we had some oxen in our family! We left everyone in the dust!

We did have a Mob come and attack us, threaten to 'kill us' and ask the kids why we were here, what was our purpose to trek across the land, and what the 'gold bible' was all about. It really got all the kids thinking why we did this, and why they sacrificed so much for what they believed. It was cool to hear about it later in our testimony meeting.
Then we got to do a water crossing, which was way fun!

When we got back we all jumped into the river because we were dying of heat!
(Yes, that is Andrew doing a push up in the water..)

Our Family name was the 7 Dwarfs - We are the 7th Ward, with 7 'kids'

The last day was the Women's Pull up a killer steep hill.. Which I don't have any pictures back from the stake yet, but it was a great experience! We have some really good kids in our ward.
We came away with a great appreciation for what the Pioneers did, and all they sacrificed! We are really luck to have all that we have. It also made me want to keep a better Journal, which I have decided I will just use this blog as. So that is why I have put a little more detail into this post, so I can look back and remember this experience!
Very cool! My brother & sister in-law are just waiting until their stake goes so they can volunteer. She's from Florida so she's never been.
I've never heard of a stake adding a "mob" aspect. That sounds interesting. I'm sure you guys made excellent trek parents!
Oh man. I hated my pioneer trek when I was a youth. It looks like your kids loved it. So good work!
It is amazing that you braved trek just months after having a baby. You're one tough cookie!!
i thought i recognized the area. Todd and I participated in our stake trek summer 2009 at hardware ranch, we went as aunt and uncle for one of the families. it was an awesome experience. the woman's pull was very difficult.
That seems like the prefect calling for you and you guys look like you had fun!
awesome! we just went, too! I gotta get my pictures ready so i can post about it... :) your canyon hike looked insane! Glad you guys got to go, though! It's incredible, huh???!!!
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