Tuesday, November 22, 2011


Last Thursday we celebrated our FOURTH Wedding Anniversary!

Can you believe it? I can't.. It has gone by so fast.
This is us 4 years ago, at what I thought was the peak of happiness. Little did I know what the next four years would more than double my love, joy, and happiness..
Let's just say it's been multiplied by FOUR.

Well it was a great day, and a day we will probably never forget it for FOUR wonderful reasons.

1- Andrew got a job offer to J.D Clark and Company.

(his top pick of all the places interviewing) We could not be more thrilled!

2- We got to spend the day relaxing, the job search was over, we could enjoy each other, the kids and counting our many blessing on all that has happened in the last 4 years.

3- We went to 4 memorable places in Provo. That all have a wonderful story behind them.
First kiss on the Cougar outside the stadium

On our rock that we first said "I Love You."

(more correct, " I think I'm falling in Love with you... :)

Sitting in front of the Provo Temple talking about our future, and decided we would have the cutest kids in the world.
(and we had no idea how right we were!!)

At Kinkos, where.. basically our first year of marriage was spent up until the week before Kennedy was born.

4- We got to enjoy a wonderful relaxing and quiet meal at Chef's Table.

Happy Anniversary Andrew! I LOVE YOU!
I am so excited that we have FOUR wonderful years down.... now just ETERNITY to go!


Adams family :) said...

I LOVE all the pictures!! So fun you guys got to spend the night together. I still remember when you were engaged! Time flies....

Matt and Brooke said...

yay!! Happy anniversary!!!!! you guys did some fun things! way to go back and visit such memorable destinations!!!

Marie said...

How fun to go visit those spots around town! And congrats on the job offer!

laura j. said...

Love your post, maybe that is because of all the mentions of the number FOUR:) Happy Anniversary you two!