So I have been without the internet for a LONG TIME. But we got our computer fixed, and now I have lots of updating to do!!
I will start with our biggest and latest news. WE MOVED.
After a lot of debate, we decided to put our house up for rent. We had a lot of calls, and 5 or so who came and walked through and filled out an application in about 1 weeks time.
We were a little hesitant about some of them and hoping other situations would come about.
But on Sunday night we had a couple call and want to come see it, they came and loved it! They wanted to move in asap, so we called their references Monday, and everything was sounding great! We felt so good about it. We had been stressing about what would be best for us, and for the people who would eventually move in to rent, and this fit perfectly in so many ways.
So we met with them Monday night, signed a contract, paid the deposits, and told them we would be out by Saturday.
That is just what happened.
Let me tell you...
Well, I take that back. It is not too bad actually, I do enyoy it a little but. I think there is a good side to cleaning out and dejunking, but I was extremely rushed and Andrew had to work really late everynight, and my poor kids were a bit neglected... 
but I think that they actually enjoyed the process...
a little too much. :)
Needless to say, we got it all done. We were out Friday night!
Only because we had a lot of help that day... Megan, my sweet sister-in-law came and took my kids Friday morning, and I am so glad she did, I got so much done. Then some of my neighbors and family came down to help move out. Without them, I might have thrown in the bag and said, heck we are staying here! :)
But saying goodbye to our place was one of the hardest things I have done. I cried like a baby. We have had so many great memories there, a wonderful ward, and awesome neighbors.
But I am looking forward to the next chapter of our lives. Now we just need to find a place to move into. Because it all happened to fast, for the next few weeks we are crashing my parents house while we search the area and find a new place we can call home.
(Yup that is me.. crying like a baby. Unfortunate picture, but it holds a lot of emotion and a tender memory.)
So in other news, here are some cute pictures... of my kids that is :)
(both eating?...)
Before we moved, they both got a hair cut.
With Kennedy I had to even out her long hair in the back to her front hair that is almost to her shoulders, so with much debate, I ended up cutting it.
Lucas on the other hand, had a definate old man hair style going on, bald on top, long on sides and bottom! So we took the clippers to it, and gave him his first buzz. He did great, Not a flinch!
More posts to come...
What a fun post. I love the picture of Lucas climbing up the moving boxes.
How exciting! I know its totally bitter sweet when moving!! You are in C-ville! I am coming to visit soon so we will need to get together!
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