Tuesday, August 21, 2012

She's 3

She's 3

The day before Kennedy's birthday my sister Mollie came down with her kids, and they went to the temple and ended up staying for most the day. So after a little debate, I decided, since her cousins were over, lets call some more over, and have a last second birthday party.
So we did. 
I made some cup cakes, and some silly games while the kids all went swimming. 
Then when they game home, we had dinner, and partied!

Here is most of her cousins that came to party:

She was thrilled to play with her cousins!
She was traveling all around with Holland and Lilly.
They had to eat in a few locations.

Then we played some silly games.
( I know I am weird but on their birthday I like to focus on things they liked or did through that year... 
as you might notice from past parties.)
This is what we did:
First you had to put a band aid on your forehead
(remember her fall, and trip to the dr)
then pour water into a cup,
put it into the potty and go dump your water bucket
(she was potty trained)
then put on a dress
(she became obsessed with dresses and princesses)
then sing head shoulders knees and toes.
(one of her favorite things to do, its hard to get her to stop sometimes..)

Even if you didn't do it, it was fun to watch everyone get into it. 
Thanks for those who played!
We tried to get Kennedy to do it, but everyone was cheering her on, and she hated the attention and started crying. Hey, its her party she can cry if she wants too :)
Then when she was happy again, with a group of about 30 we all sang "head shoulders knees and toes"
It was awesome. It did scare her at first, but after a few times she loved it.
Then all night it was the only thing she could talk about. 
Funny how that happens.

Then with the kiddos we played 
Pin the crown on Princess Kennedy

Before everyone left, we made sure to sing to the soon to be birthday girl.
We had pink cup cakes (requested by the birthday girl) 
She loved it.

We were so glad we had people to celebrate with!

We love to party. Thanks for playing with us!

Birthday Morning!

Andrew went into work late so he could be there when she woke up and help open the presents.

Lucas was  such a good helper. 

Aunt Robyn gave her this cute birthday crown. SHE LOVED IT! 
As you will notice it was worn ALL DAY.
Andrew and I got her a bike. 
She was soo excited.
It was so fun for us to see her get excited over her birthday and her presents.
We were just as excited to give it to her. 

Then we got ready, and put on her new dress, and she painted. 
Then out for bike lessons with Mom.

She always begs to go to the park but he hadn't been in a while because its been so hot outside. But today was all park day.  We ended up going to 2 different parks.

Taking her birthday calls at the park.

 As you will see, her birthday consumed of eating lots of sugar.
 A snow cone at the park.
Then we went to our ward party... (a big party she thought was for her)
She had cotton candy, ice cream cones, and a hot dog.

Healthy eh?
 I came home and make her drink a green smoothy.
And luckily for lunch she dipped lots carrots and snap peas. :)

Then when Dad came home she got to go out on another bike lesson.

She was a camp and did so good!
She LOVES riding it.
And is getting better and better.
It's so fun to watch her.

Then after bath time, she got more sugar...
We sang to her again,
This was the cake she helped me make while Lucas took a nap.
She is so stinking cute.

She got all bashful. It was cute.
She had a hard time blowing these ones out, so Dad jumped in to help her.

I love her little smile. 
I love everything about her. 
I can't believe my little baby girl is 3.
Happy Birthday Kennedy!


Jessie Larson said...

I seriously love your little family! You guys are so cute and fun. I hope to be like you when I grow up. Happy Birthday to your cute little girl!

Haley and Mitch said...

What a fun cousins party! You are always so great at putting games together. I love it!

I LOVE Kennedy's hair on her birthday morning. You need to come and do Lydia's hair. I'm so retarded at it.

What a busy birthday!! Makes me tired just reading about it. You are a darling mom, Sophie. We love that Ken Ken! Glad she had such a great celebration.

Marie said...

Super cute pictures! Sounds like a great couple of days.

Unknown said...

What a fun 3rd birthday. I think you captured her celebrations perfectly. I love how excited Kennedy is in all of her pictures. Way to go Sophie!!!

Matt and Brooke said...

ah! happy birthday Kennedy!! she looks so cute in all the pic's.. what a beautiful little girl!

Shanna Payne said...

What a cute post!!! I love that you are such a good picture taker! Darling kids Soph.

Nicole said...

what a fun time! she's adorable, happy birthday to Kennedy!

Mollie Anderson said...

Thanks for being the party planner. We love celebrating with you.

mackyton said...

Many happy returns to the little one. All kids are happy having superb food and drinks. I also love attending parties with kids and their birthday treats are cute. My nephew was happy with his friends and mates at his birthday celebration. Food and drinks ordered at one of the spacious event space Chicago were exactly on time. Cake was yummy too.