Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma Jo!

It was my Moms birthday on Saturday, so all my family gathered together at my Moms house. It was way fun!
My sister Haley put together a big road rally for everyone and it was way fun! Here are some pictures of the days events!
Oh yes.. and did I mention, we had our first snowfall that day?
My Mom was so excited her flowers lasted until her birthday! So I took a picture so she could remember.
So we all split into groups and went on a road rally, this is my group at CJH.. Can't you tell? We got the award for the most creative pictures!:)
Max, Mitch,Momma,Woody,Laura and Dad's group! They were first!
Logan, Elisabeth, Alison and Levi were on a team.. this is them trying to find a clue.. they weren't very happy....Lizzie, Chuck, Jake and Robyn were a team, I couldn't find a pic of them together.. but these will do.Then we came home for cheesecake and pecan pie because they are her favorite!
Blowing out the candles..
And all the food...
Haley's Soup was AMAZING! tasted just like the Olive Gardens Zupa Soup (which is my moms fav)
My first attempt at making cheesecake!
Potato Bar..
Birthday Girl! (with the awesome headband made my Sadie and Myrs)



Donny and Mollie said...

We love your mama too!
Great post- you and Haley are great at documenting all family gatherings!

Haley and Mitch said...

Awesome photos!! And it was a fabulous birthday poster - you're getting very sleepy