Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Playing Hard

Highlights of being a Mom.
We sometimes just get to PLAY!
(in-between never ending laundry and dishes)

Since spring has started to creep in, I have been just as anxious as my kids to get out of the house.
So with Andrew working late lately, we stayed out playing as LONG as we could :)
(it helps keep me sane on those days.. I don't know how you ladies do it all the time with hubbies that work late nights)


 I love it, I feel like my kids can finally play at the park by themselves.. truly play. Its been fun to see my kids different stages at the parks.
I guess I am just saying....It's just a fun to watch them grow up!

We were outside ALL DAY this day. A good 7 hours, at least.
During Luke's nap time Kennedy refused to go lay down, so we went out on the drive way and talked with the neighbor while she biked, then she started laying down on her bike...
then off her bike..
then (not pictured) she laid down on the street,
that's when I picked her up, and she looked at me and said..
"I not tired Mom! I want to color..."
So she went and colored. haha
 (this is us reading before bed time... my face is the color of a ripe tomato, and Kennedy got some nice pink cheeks.. and Lucas.. well he just got tan :)
  Rest and Repeat..
  (I love how she wants to keep her helmet on and play :)

 Rolling down the hill.. ( love how you can see Kennedy's legs in the back of Luke's head)



Then we had some bad weather.. but I was going crazy in my house, so we got out and had some fun indoors too..


We spend the day in SLC to go see my brothers displays at RootsTech.  
Lucas LOVES Woody.. which is rare for any little child ;)
Whenever we talk to him or Kennedy talks about Lily, Lucas says (in a angry/yelling voice)
It's adorable.
He loves all my brothers and talks about them all the time. Usually in his angry voice... but its all positive things..Its a bonus to living so close to all of them. :) 

Anyway.. we have been out all day, and I hear some nappers upstairs laughing.. so I better go play some more :)


Amberly said...

So fun!!! It is hard having a husband who works late hours, but luckily for me, I work all day and have plenty of homework and blogging to keep me busy until he gets home at night!

Elisabeth said...

Looks like you guys are having a great time! Yay for SPRING!!

Allison said...

As always, I love all your pictures. Spring is the best! I love how much fun you have with your cute kids.