Friday, July 12, 2013

July 4th Weekend

Like usual we started our 4th celebrations at the party in the park.
Music, dancing, eating, and fireworks!
Kennedy has some killer dance moves..

Our kids are adorable.. We know ;)


Here is a pic of Andrew's patriotic breakfast.. then off to the parade.

We made these super cute shirts with my Mom!
My Mom helped me do shirts for an Activity Days and it was so fun, easy and fast that she wanted to do them with her Grand-kids, too! They were super cute and fun.
We didn't get a shot with everyone, but here is a majority :) Cute kids.

After the parade we loaded up the kids and headed to the cabin for the weekend!
It was way fun! We got to see and spend time with Matt and Breanne. 
(Andrew's Brother and his family that live in Minnesota)

While we were down in the garage we got caught in a crazy cool hail storm. It was fun!

Fishing with Dad

 We like to get a little creative with our camp fire food up here.. if you can remember.
But this time we did cheese stuffed bacon wrapped hot dogs!
They were a hit..

If you're Andrew, you can't go to bed with out... AT LEAST a half a sleeve of Oreos with a GIANT glass of ICE cold milk.
Everynight. If possible.
(ehh there are some variations.. Chocolate milk with cinnamon toast.. or just homemade cookies and milk)
I learned this weekend that it's not just Andrew, or Andrew and Adam...
I think it's a requirement to be a Weber boy.

Then we headed home in time for a beautiful Sunday walk with my favorite people in the world.


Haley and Mitch said...

majority means MOST - there was only 9 kids in that picture. Pretty sure there are 22 grandkids... just sayin' :)

THat is the most organized wood pile I have ever seen.

That's why I love Andrew - can't go without a cookie in some form. :)

Cute Cute. Happy 4th!

Elisabeth said...

Looks like you had a fun 4th of July. Loved all the fun pictures!