Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Jumping through July!

Why do I ALWAYS feel I am behind on my blog!?
Well I don't think any of you care, but this is my only journal.. which is horrible. I need to fix that. But it is. So I need to do some more catch up.
It's only the 10th of July and I could do 10 posts.. So... I will keep the words to a minimum and stick to the pictures.. (I have 10 too many ;)
Well let's just get started!
4th of July Festivities...



Wednesday morning before all the partying we had a family 5K. It was fun!
 I think we started a new 4th of July Tradition...

  This was our wonderful patriotic breakfast that was ready when we got home from the race.
So good.
 Then we headed up to Provo for Weber family fun!
For lunch we learned that Kennedy is a carnivore. 
 She loved eating her chicken off the bone.
(as you can tell..)

  Lucas joined in too!
We had fun up at hatch patch, the kids loved the kayaks.



We also had a blast on the zip line...


Then after we went to dinner we played baseball at the park.
Haha I love this picture of Lucas below.. makes me laugh :)
 Lucas loves anything to do a with ball.. or two.
 I make baseball look good ;)
  (I was sad my camera was on the frits so I didn't get lots of picture toward the end of the day.. I ended up stealing Tiffany's camera and taking a few.. as in like 100.. So i will have to get some from her later.)

 we played until the sprinklers kicked us off the field..
 Then played some more. :)
 Lucas standing up... Well kinda :)

We had a baby shower at my Mom's house on Saturday for my cute sister-in-law, Robyn.
Her shower theme was 'born to be wild'. Her nursery is going to be darling, decorated with baby animals.
So.. thanks to pintrest we had a cute idea to have a snake sandwich.
So I took the idea to Blimpie... and boy, did they deliver!!
It turned out to be awesome!

 Thanks Blimpie!
 Then we made lion, tigers, zebras and monkey cup cakes. 
My advice.. Don't do it with home made frosting (unless you are better than me.. which is probably the case..)
My Mom insisted we do homemade, but I guess I just can't make it smooth enough. So doesn't look as pretty. It wouldn't spread.. or stick.. ahh! I had a fight with it.
 It was way fin to sit and visit with family.

 July has been great for us.. Hope yours has been too!


Marie said...

You always have such great pictures! What kind of camera do you have? I'm looking to buy a new one. Super cute idea for a baby shower.

Haley and Mitch said...

Yay! Yay! Finally an update from someone!! What a fun month. I LOVE the pictures of your kids. I can't believe how different Lucas looks. He is getting too big.

AND THAT SHOWER!! What an amazing spread of food! The cupcakes are darling and the sandwich was AWESOME!! Way to go!

Thanks for the update, Soph!!

Matt and Brooke said...

you guys have done such fun things!! glad you had a good fourth! your kids are adorable of course! crazy to see tiff in that pic;).. such a cute baby shower idea. I loved all the food you made!

Mollie Anderson said...

Wow Sophie! What fun you make normal life turn into. Thanks for being the camera woman. You have gotten great pictures.