Monday, September 24, 2012

I love to see the Temple

 Yesterday we had the chance to participate in the Brigham City Temple dedication.
It was a neat experience to go to the church, and listen and feel of the sweet spirit that the temples can bring into our lives. I loved all the talks and songs that were given. 
A few weeks ago some of my family all headed up to the Temple open house. 
I was so excited to take Kennedy. 
She loves to talk and sing about the temple. 
So it was fun to take her inside, and try and teach her the importance of it.
I just asked her what she saw & remembered about the temple and she said;
"Jesus and mirrors"
When I asked her what we do in the temple and she said:
"umm... baptized and sit in chairs... the temple is big."
She also remembers seeing this huge pumpkin that they showed us driving up to the temple.
and the covers they put over our shoes.


 I am so grateful for the blessing of temples.
I am so glad Andrew and I grew up with parents who placed an importance on temples, and set an example to be married for time and all eternity.
I hope that we can continue do the same for our kids. 
It gives me such a peace of mind to know there is a life after this.
I am so excited to spend eternity with my family.


Marie said...

How fun to go with a big group! I still remember going through the Bountiful & Mt. Timpanogas open houses as a kid.

Matt and Brooke said...

What a pretty temple!! That is such a cute pic of the 4 of look gorgeous!

Mollie Anderson said...

You two are excellent at teaching Kennedy the important things. The other night I was listening to you tuck her into bed and reading her the scriptures and talking to her about how she can apply them. When she is playing, you are both constantly teaching her kindness.
Thanks for your example. I love that you post such important things.