Saturday, November 24, 2012


That's right, I said

Five seems like a big milestone...
 I remember being first married thinking 5 years would be forever away.. 
But, it is here! Five.
We had a wonderful time celebrating. 
We started it all off by going to the Salt Like temple to do sealings.
We had such an AMAZING TIME. 
So many cool things we learned and felt.
I am so so grateful that I married a man who took me to the temple
and made all my dreams come true. :)
He planned a little romantic get away to The Little America,
Then Dinner at Christopher's

We came home Saturday and had fun with our kids.
When we lived at my parents, Kennedy would  always ask me to put on my wedding dress. I told her I would later. So I figure no better time than our anniversary.
Haha kind of funny, but our kids loved it. Lucas wouldn't leave me alone, and Kennedy just wanted to look at me. haha Not sure what was going through her mind.. But hey, it was kind of fun.


Then we all sat down and watched our wedding video  Our kids LOVED IT! They just yelled Mommy!! Daddy!! TEMPLE!!
The whole time. It was cute.

OK, so also have a bit of a confession.
We became Wedding Crashes!
Because it was a Saturday night, (and we got married on a Saturday night)
We went to Eagle Wood Golf Course/Reception Center.. This is where we had our reception.
We arrived towards the end, but we signed the happy couple's book,
"Congrats! Love, The Webers!"
took a gander.. and left.

Kennedy was dying to talk to the bride, but it was a bit too late.
But she enjoyed watching them dance for a minute.
Hahah, you are probably thinking, I can't believe you did that!
We did. And It was fun :)

Over all a great weekend, and an even better 5 years!
 Happy Anniversary Andrew!


Allison said...

Happy Anniversary, you two!

Matt and Brooke said...

You look gorgeous!!! Happy Anniversary!!! I can't beleive its been 5 years crazy!! you guys are the best!

Unknown said...

I love that you tried on your wedding dress and crashed a wedding. I'm sure Kennedy LOVED seeing you as a princess. Happy 5 years! It just gets better. We love you guys!

Sara said...

Congrats! Happy Anniversary! It looks like you had a wonderful day!

Elisabeth said...

Sounds like you had a fun anniversary! Such a cute post!

Haley said...

Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a wonderful weekend celebrating...LOVE that you did sealings together, and followed by a night over in the city is perfect. :) And you putting on your wedding dress to show you kids is so sweet!!

Kami said...

You are officially my hero for crashing a wedding! Happy Anniversary Soap!

Haley and Mitch said...

So fun!! What a great celebration! Props to Andrew for planning a fun night out. Love you guys!